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Te Uku to Te Kowai 110kV Line

The consenting of a new wind farm at Te Uku, near Raglan, led to a requirement for the local electrical network operator to rationalise and upgrade circuits between the wind farm site and the Te Kowhai substation. Mansergh Graham was commissioned by WEL Networks Ltd to assist with this process. A detailed route assessment was undertaken in order to identify a suitable route for a new 110kv circuit, with MGLA providing advise on landscape and visual amenity issues.

Using GIS analysis, Mansergh Graham was able to map and identify areas of higher landscape sensitivity along the various route options, and provide recommendations for each. We were involved in consultation with affected land owners, providing advise on how the line would affect their visual and landscape amenity, and the mitigation options available.

Mansergh Graham undertook a detailed assessment of landscape, visual and amenity effects, presenting evidence at the designation hearing in 2009. Designation was attained for the project, and Mansergh Graham was able to further assist in the negotiations with appellant. As a result all appeals to the Environment Court were subsequently withdrawn.

The project included:

  • GIS analysis of landscape sensitivity for route selection.
  • GIS viewshed analysis and the identification of potentially affected populations.
  • Computer modelling of the proposed 110kV line and preparation of photomontages.
  • Consultation with landowners within the study corridor.
  • Assessment of landscape, visual and amenity effects.
  • Presentation of expert evidence at the designation hearing.
  • Preparation of site specific mitigation proposals for affected land owners.
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Services - Landscape & Visual Assessment
Industries - Energy and Transmission
Services - GIS Mapping & Analysis

