In June 2010 Mansergh Graham Landscape Architects, in conjunction with Bloxam Burnett and Olliver, were engaged to assess the potential effect of the existing and proposed building height controls on:
- the High Density Residential Zone and the High Rise Plan Area at Mount Maunganui;
- adjacent outstanding natural features and landscapes;
- amenity values associated with Pilot Bay, Ocean Beach and the adjacent reserves.
The study involved the development of a digital terrain model and the block modelling. Analysis of the model was undertaken to identify the effect of existing high rise development on the landscape and urban amenity of the study area. Fundamental to this evaluation was the effect of shadow fall, not just from existing development, but critically from Mount Maunganui itself.
The model was interrogated based on the potential for increased height within the study area as permitted under the existing Tauranga District Plan. This identified the change in building heights that could occur as controlled activities under the Operative District Plan, and the degree to which this change could affect the landscape and urban amenity of the study area. This same approach was then applied utilising the heights achievable as controlled and discretionary activities. Finally, alternative scenarios were tested in order to identify an appropriate height control mechanism for use within the plan.
The project included:
- Review of relevant sections of the proposed district plan
- GIS modelling and analysis
- Urban and landscape analysis
- Presentation of evidence at the District Plan Hearings