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Te Uku Windfarm

Mansergh Graham was commissioned by WEL Networks Ltd, to undertake a detailed assessment of the effects of the proposed Te Uku windfarm on the amenity values of the surrounding landscape.

Using GIS analysis, Mansergh Graham was able to identify and map areas from where various turbines would be seen. Together with a detailed digital terrain model, that could be used to show what wind farm would look like from any surrounding location, this information was used during the public consultation phase of the project to help communicate the changes in landscape character that were likely to occur.

We were involved in consultation with affected land owners, providing advice on how the windfarm would affect their visual and landscape amenity, and the mitigation options available.

Consent for the project was attained and appeals were filed by appellant groups. Mansergh Graham provided further assistance in the negotiations with appellants and preparation of mitigation plans. As a result all appeals to the Environment Court were subsequently withdrawn.

The project included:

  • Acquisition and management of GIS and other digital data for the project team.
  • GIS viewshed analysis and the identification of potentially affected populations for consultation purposes.
  • Analysis of the visual effects of alternative turbines and wind farm configurations.
  • CGI modelling of the wind farm and the preparation of photomontages.
  • Assessment of landscape, visual and amenity effects.
  • Consultation with potentially affected landowners.
  • Presentation of expert evidence at the consent hearing.
  • Preparation of expert evidence for the Environment Court.
  • Preparation of site specific mitigation proposals for affected land owners.
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Services - Landscape & Visual Assessment
Industries - Energy and Transmission
Services - GIS Mapping & Analysis

