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Hilltop View Eco Estate

Mansergh Graham were engaged by Hilltop View Eco Estate to design a conservation subdivision using best landscape practice, and to assist in obtaining resource consent for the proposed subdivision development.

The project included the identification of suitable building platforms, ecological restoration and mitigation planting aimed at integrating the proposed development into the surrounding landscape whilst maintaining appropriate separation between adjacent lots and views.

The concept plan addressed the relevant requirements of the District Plan, in particular rules relating to conservation lots in the rural and coastal zones for ecological, visual and landscape issues. Areas within the subject site, recognised as being significant ecological areas, were assessed for covenanting purposes.

The project included:

  • Liaison with District Council
  • Site Assessment of surrounding landscape, existing trees and vegetation and surrounding development, opportunities and constraints
  • Conservation Subdivision Design utilising the best conservation design practice and ‘urban design protocol' to assist the development to integrate into the landscape
  • Landscape & Visual Assessment
  • GIS Mapping & Analysis
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Industries - Land Development and Subdivision
Services - Subdivision Design
Services - Landscape Design
Services - GIS Mapping & Analysis

