In June 2009 Mansergh Graham Landscape Architects Ltd were engaged by Kessels and Associates Ltd (ecologists) to undertake a GIS analysis of the coastal landscape between Raglan Harbour and Port Waikato. The purpose of this work was to assist in the identification of optimal locations for the placement of bird monitoring radar within the proposed Contact Energy Wind Farm site at Tuakau.
In order to help predict areas of radar shadow, viewshed analysis was undertaken to identify potential radar sites. This potential enabled gaps in radar coverage to be identified before the radar was put in place so that maximum coverage could be achieved. Work was also undertaken to identify locations where ground observers would be required.
Further work included the GIS analysis of migratory shorebird flight trails within the study area.
The project included:
- Construction of a digital elevation model from contour data supplied.
- Identification of topographic position (to identify ridge lines, mid-slopes and valley floors to aid in identification of potential radar sites).
- Identification of radar operational attributes (unit height above ground, tilt, sweep, and range);
- Identification of potential radar sites.
- Viewshed analysis of difference elevations.
- Mapping of radar occulation patterns.
- Identification of observer sites.
- Viewshed analysis of observer sites.